Edible bird's nest improves the premature ovarian failure induced by tripterygium glycosides


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Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a common disease in the field of gynecological endocrinology that seriously affects the physical and mental health of patients. Previous studies found that edible bird's nest (EBN) could improve uterine function. These suggested that EBN might also have an ameliorating effect on POF. Therefore, in this study, tripterygium glycosides (TGs) were used to induce POF in rats, and the effect of EBN on the improvement of POF was investigated. After the administration of EBN for 14 days, ovarian index and uterine index, serum hormone levels, apoptosis rate of ovarian granulosa cells, follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) protein expression level, and the histopathological examination of the ovaries were determined. It was found that administration of medium and high EBN dose groups increased the ovarian index and granular layer thickness of rats with POF. Particularly, higher follicle-stimulating hormone levels and lower corpus luteum content were observed in the high EBN dose group. In addition, there were lower luteinizing hormone levels and fewer atretic follicles but higher progesterone levels in the medium EBN dose group. These results indicated that EBN had preventive and curative effects on POF induced by TGs. Its mechanism of action might be related to the reduction of ovarian granulosa cell apoptosis, regulation of hormones and receptors, and inhibition of follicle closure. This study investigated the ameliorating effect of EBN on tripterygium glycoside-induced POF. It was found that EBN could improve ovarian function, and the mechanism of action might be related to the reduction of ovarian granulosa cell apoptosis, regulation of hormones and receptors, and inhibition of follicle closure.image
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Key words
edible bird's nest,improvement,premature ovarian failure,tripterygium glycosides
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