VSSI-GGD: A Variation Sparse EEG Source Imaging Approach Based on Generalized Gaussian Distribution

Ke Liu, Shu Peng, Chengzhi Liang,Zhuliang Yu,Bin Xiao,Guoyin Wang,Wei Wu


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Electroencephalographic (EEG) source imaging (ESI) is a powerful method for studying brain functions and surgical resection of epileptic foci. However, accurately estimating the location and extent of brain sources remains challenging due to noise and background interference in EEG signals. To reconstruct extended brain sources, we propose a new ESI method called Variation Sparse Source Imaging based on Generalized Gaussian Distribution (VSSI-GGD). VSSI-GGD uses the generalized Gaussian prior as a sparse constraint on the spatial variation domain and embeds it into the Bayesian framework for source estimation. Using a variational technique, we approximate the intractable true posterior with a Gaussian density. Through convex analysis, the Bayesian inference problem is transformed entirely into a series of regularized L-2p-norm (0 < p < 1) optimization problems, which are efficiently solved with the ADMM algorithm. Imaging results of numerical simulations and human experimental dataset analysis reveal the superior performance of VSSI-GGD, which provides higher spatial resolution with clear boundaries compared to benchmark algorithms. VSSI-GGD can potentially serve as an effective and robust spatiotemporal EEG source imaging method. The source code of VSSI-GGD is available at https://github.com/Mashirops/VSSI-GGD.git.
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Key words
EEG source imaging,generalized Gaussian distribution,variation sparsity,ADMM
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