61 A Multifaceted Approach to Improving Fish Farming in Kenya’s Lake Victoria Region

Kathryn Fiorella, Eric Teplitz,Rodman Getchell, Grace E. Gonzalez

Journal of Clinical and Translational Science(2024)

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OBJECTIVES/GOALS: This project adopts a multifaceted approach to improving aquaculture management practices in Kenya’s Lake Victoria region by identifying fish pathogens, measuring algal toxin levels in commonly consumed fish, surveying fish farming practices, and educating the public. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: Limited existing data on the state of floating cage culture in Kenya influenced our decision to begin this portion of the project with a brief literature review of potential Nile tilapia pathogens. Databases were screened for mention of disease in either wild or caged Nile tilapia, with emphasis given to those in Lake Victoria. Results were compiled into a spreadsheet and analyzed for frequently occurring pathogens. The next portion involved creating an interview style survey to assess current cage culture management practices in the region. Editing was done to ensure questions remained unbiased, non-leading, culturally sensitive, multilingual and relevant to the situation. Data went through a quality control screening and analysis was conducted through the R programming language. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Beginning with mortality, of the 93 farms surveyed, data analysis revealed that there is a higher probability that farms will have a mortality of approximately 20%, over the course of a production cycle. For biosecurity and fish health practices, data shows that 97% of farms do not disinfect scooping nets or other fish handling materials when moving from one cage to another. During the 2022-2023 production cycle, 44% of farms experienced fish kills of over 50 fish. 73% of the 93 farms do not contact any organization when a fish kill occurs. In a qualitative answer, it also appears that many farm workers dispose of their dead fish within the lake, feed it to livestock or dogs, or eat it. Algae blooms have been experienced at 80% of the farms surveyed and 43% of farms say they have seen fish gasping at the surface for air. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE: While farms are implementing good management practices in the areas of cage design, stocking, and feeding practices, there is room for improvement in fish health, biosecurity, and managing algal blooms. The findings provide insight into the areas that should be considered when taking action to improve the welfare of the region.
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