Employee perception of precision technology use at the dairy farm


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The adoption of precision technologies on dairy farms has increased significantly in recent decades, leading to the challenge of providing employees with resources to maximize the efficient use of these tools. The objective of this study was to explore how dairy farm employees perceive the available precision technologies and to identify possible challenges they face when adapting to their use at the farm. An online survey consisting of four sections (employee demographics, precision technologies in use, perception of these technologies, and opportunities for adapting to technology use) was completed from September to December 2022 by 266 farm employees from three dairies operated under similar management. Most of the respondents were identified as male (72.2%), Hispanic or Latino (92.5%), aged between 21 and 30 (39.1%) or 31 and 40 yr (36.8%), with a bachelor's degree (34.6%) or completion of middle school (29.3%) and having basic or no English proficiency (74%). Overall, the respondents indicated being comfortable (95.6%) with and understanding (91.8%) the technology they use. Employees recognized precision technology as a tool that helps them to be more efficient (93.7%), identifying the technologies' benefits (92.1%). However, challenges for adapting to these technologies included personal limitations, such as not knowing the language of the technology (31%), visual impairments (24%), light sensitivity (14%), and not being able to read (7%). Environmental limitations were also recognized and included cold weather (64.3%), wind (46%), and surroundings that were too dark (31%) or too bright (21%). Significant associations between perception of the technology and age, level of education, and English proficiency were identified. Respondents indicated their desire to learn more about precision technologies implemented at work, which could eventually lead to improved efficiency at the dairy operation through innovations in the way users interact with these technologies, increasing employees' motivation. This study provides insights that could assist the dairy industry in addressing challenges and enhancing opportunities for a more efficient use of precision technologies at dairy farms. Most dairy employees in the current study had a positive perception of precision dairy technologies and recognized the benefits provided by their use in their daily work routine.Challenges associated with language and environmental conditions were identified.The current findings highlight some critical points affecting the success of the implementation of precision technologies from the perspective of farm employees. We explored how farm employees perceive their available precision dairy technologies to identify the challenges they face when adapting to these resources. An online survey consisting of four sections (employee demographics, precision technologies in use, perception of these technologies, and opportunities for adapting to technology use) was completed by 266 farm employees from three dairies. Most employees indicated that they feel comfortable and have positive feelings about precision technology use at the farm, while recognizing that technologies serve as a tool to increase work efficiency. Age, level of education, and English proficiency were factors associated with employee perception of these technologies. Challenges for adapting to the use of technology included language barriers, visual impairments, and environmental limitations.
employee,perception,precision dairy,survey,technology
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