Relative cooperativity in neutral and charged molecular clusters using QM/MM calculations.

The Journal of chemical physics(2024)

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QM/MM methods have been used to study electronic structure properties and chemical reactivity in complex molecular systems where direct electronic structure calculations are not feasible. In our previous work, we showed that non-polarizable force fields, by design, describe intermolecular interactions through pairwise interactions, overlooking many-body interactions involving three or more particles. In contrast, polarizable force fields account partially for many-body effects through polarization, but still handle van der Waals and permanent electrostatic interactions pairwise. We showed that despite those limitations, polarizable and non-polarizable force fields can reproduce relative cooperativity achieved using density functional theory due to error compensation mechanisms. In this contribution, we assess the performance of QM/MM methods in reproducing these phenomena. Our study highlights the significance of the QM region size and force field choice in QM/MM calculations, emphasizing the importance of parameter validation to obtain accurate interaction energy predictions.
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