DeFT: Decoding with Flash Tree-attention for Efficient Tree-structured LLM Inference

Jinwei Yao, Kaiqi Chen,Kexun Zhang, Jiaxuan You,Binhang Yuan,Zeke Wang,Tao Lin


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Given the increasing demand for tree-structured interactions with LLMs, we introduce DeFT (Decoding with Flash Tree-Attention), an IO-aware tree attention algorithm tailored for tree-structured inference. Unlike traditional sequence-based decoding, tree-structured decoding better accommodates modern task requirements, including self-consistency, few-shot prompting, multi-step reasoning, and multi-model/head coordination. However, existing sequence-based inference systems are ill-suited for tree-structured decoding, resulting in redundancy in computation, memory footprints, and memory access, thereby undermining inference efficiency. To address this challenge, DeFT maintains memory-efficient attention calculation with low memory footprints through two key stages: (1) QKV Preparation: We propose a KV-Guided Grouping Strategy with Tree Split to intelligently group QKV, optimizing GPU resource utilization while minimizing memory reads/writes for KV cache between GPU global memory and on-chip shared memory; (2)Attention Calculation: We compute partial attention of each QKV group in a fused kernel and employ a Tree-topology-aware Global Reduction strategy to obtain final attention. By reducing 73-99 and nearly 100 Softmax), DeFT achieves up to 2.52/3.82x speedup in the end-to-end/attention latency across three practical tree-based workloads: namely, few-shot prompting, multi-step reasoning, and speculative decoding, over state-of-the-art attention algorithms.
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