Modeling local decoherence of a spin ensemble using a generalized Holstein-Primakoff mapping to a bosonic mode


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We show how the decoherence that occurs in an entangling atomic spin-light interface can be simply modeled as the dynamics of a bosonic mode. Although one seeks to control the collective spin of the atomic system in the permutationally invariant (symmetric) subspace, diffuse scattering and optical pumping are local, making an exact description of the many-body state intractable. To overcome this issue we develop a generalized Holstein-Primakoff approximation for collective states which is valid when decoherence is uniform across a large atomic ensemble. In different applications the dynamics is conveniently treated as a Wigner function evolving according to a thermalizing diffusion equation, or by a Fokker-Planck equation for a bosonic mode decaying in a zero temperature reservoir. We use our formalism to study the combined effect of Hamiltonian evolution, local and collective decoherence, and measurement backaction in preparing nonclassical spin states for application in quantum metrology.
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