Efficacy of Methyl Eugenol and Cuelure Traps for Monitoring of Cucurbit Fruit Fly (Bactrocera spp.) in different Doses in Pumpkin

Puneet Kumar,Umesh Chandra, Rishabh Mishra, Ashutosh Singh Aman, Sova Yadav

Asian Research Journal of Agriculture(2024)

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The present study on the “Efficacy of methyl eugenol and cue lure traps for monitoring of cucurbit fruit fly (Bactrocera spp.) in different doses in pumpkin” was conducted in the Department of Entomology, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, during 2020-21.Among the 3 different doses tested, methyl eugenol rakshak trap with 1.5ml +2 ml (methyl eugenol +malathion 50 % E.C. were significantly superior in attracting highest number of fruit flies B. zonata and B. dorsalis with trap catches of 69.39 fruit flies /trap/week followed by 2ml +2ml doses (49.36 fruit flies/trap/week). 1ml + 2ml (methyl eugenol +malathion 50% E.C. performance was significantly lower to other doses (42.47 fruitflies/traps/week) and other three doses tested, cue lure rakshak trap with 2 ml + 2ml (cue lure + malathion 50% E.C) were significantly superior in attracting highest number of fruit flies B. cucurbitea and (19.92 fruit flies /trap/week) followed by 1.5 ml +2ml doses (13.69 fruit flies/trap/week). 1ml + 2ml (cue lure +malathion 50% E.C. 50 % E.C performance was significantly lower to other doses (7.42 fruitflies/traps/week).
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