
Bioresource Integration Approach of Sustainable Green-Diesel Production from Waste Mutton Using Waste Goat Bone As Biohetrogeneous Catalyst

Ume Cyril Sunday,Esonye Chizoo, Ikechukwu Ngozi Blessing,Ani Amechi Kingsley, Onyekwere Ikechukwu John, Ekene Gabriel Chukwu,Ude Callistus Nonso,Ezekannagha Chinyere Blessing, Ezeh Ernest Mbamalu,Ofoefule Akuzuo Uwaoma

Thermal Science and Engineering Progress(2024)

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The integration approach of using waste bones and fat from the same animal provides an enhancement for sustainable harvest and application of bioresources and maximizes the viability and feasibility of the biodiesel production process. It raises the economic value of the meat production and promotes excellent strategy for slaughter house waste management and pollution control. Therefore, the production, characterization and optimization of biodiesel from waste goat bone (WGB) as a bio-heterogeneous catalyst and its waste fat is presented. The WGB was impregnated with KOH and activated at the following different calcination temperatures: 400 °C, 600 °C, 800 °C and 1000 °C. The characterization of the catalyst was done using scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and x-ray diffraction (XRD) while the goat fat was characterized using FTIR, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and Association of official analytical chemists (AOAC) methods. The effect of calcinations temperature, catalyst loading, and catalyst reusability were also studied. The result indicated that the WGB catalyst contains mainly of apatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)2). The 800 °C calcination temperature gave the highest biodiesel yield of 87.4 % using 2.5 wt% catalyst concentration; 12:1 M ratio of alcohol to oil and 500 rpm for 2 h after the 5th cycle of catalyst reusability. The quality of the biodiesel produced was found to be in agreement with global standards (EN 14,214 and ASTM D6751). It is therefore confirmed that the application of goat fat and its bone for biodiesel production is a viable route for effective waste conversion and renewable energy generation.
Heterogeneous catalyst,Waste Mutton,Waste goat bone Characterization,Biodiesel,Reusability
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