Cultural importance of the flora used by the Asheninka Sheremashe native community, Ucayali, Peru

Jose Mostacero-Leon,Jose L Martinez,Anthony J de la Cruz-Castillo, Ronald D Diaz-Barreto, Heber M Robles Castillo,Segundo E Lopez-Medina,Armando E Gil-Rivero,Roger Alva-Calderon, Narda M Alarcon-Rojas, Cecilia B Bardales-Vasquez

Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas(2024)

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The cultural significance of the flora used by the native Asheninka Sheremashe community in Ucayali, Peru was determined. To do this, a fieldwork of over 4 months was conducted, involving semi-structured interviews with 106 residents through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The community utilizes 139 plant species in their daily lives, belonging to 120 genera and 52 families, with the most abundant being Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, and Rutaceae. Furthermore, 25.9% of the species are of significant importance to theinhabitants according to the Cultural Index (CI), such as Manihot esculenta, Theobroma cacao, Bixa orellana, Musa paradisiaca, Ficus insipida, among others. It can be concluded that the flora plays a prominent role in the life of the community, with the categories reporting the highest number of species being: food (29.35%), medicine (28.36%), culture (9.95%), construction (9.45%), lumber (6.97%), commerce (3.48%), craftsmanship (2.49%), toxic (2.49%), and other uses (7.46%).
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