Complementary roles of two classes of defense chemicals in white spruce against spruce budworm


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Monoterpenes and phenolics play distinct roles in defending white spruce trees from insect defoliators. Monoterpenes contribute to the toxicity of the foliage, deterring herbivory, whereas phenolics impede budworm growth. This study demonstrates the complex interplay between monoterpenes and phenolics and their collective influence on the defense strategy of white spruce trees against a common insect defoliator. Long-lived coniferous trees display considerable variations in their defensive chemistry. The impact of these defense phenotype variations on insect herbivores of the same species remains to be thoroughly studied, mainly due to challenges in replicating the comprehensive defense profiles of trees under controlled conditions. This study methodically examined the defensive properties of foliar monoterpenes and phenolics across 80 distinct white spruce families. These families were subsequently grouped into two chemotypes based on their foliar monoterpene concentrations. To understand the separate and combined effects of these classes on tree defenses to the eastern spruce budworm, we conducted feeding experiments using actual defense profiles from representative families. Specifically, we assessed budworm response when exposed to substrates amended with phenolics alone or monoterpenes. Our findings indicate that the ratios and amounts of monoterpenes and phenolics present in the white spruce foliage influence the survival of spruce budworms. Phenotypes associated with complete larval mortality exhibited elevated ratios (ranging from 0.4 to 0.6) and concentrations (ranging from 1143 to 1796 ng mg−1) of monoterpenes. Conversely, families characterized by higher phenolic ratios (ranging from 0.62 to 0.77) and lower monoterpene concentrations (ranging from 419 to 985 ng mg−1) were less lethal to the spruce budworm. Both classes of defense compounds contribute significantly to the overall defensive capabilities of white spruce trees. Monoterpenes appear critical in determining the general toxicity of foliage, while phenolics play a role in slowing budworm development, thereby underscoring their collective importance in white spruce defenses.
Choristoneura fumiferana,Host suitability,Picea glauca,Plant genotypes,Plant–insect interactions,Secondary metabolites
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