Professional periodical in the conditions of social upheavals

Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського(2023)

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The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of the structure, subject matter and distribution of the scientific, theoretical and practical journal "Bibliothechnyi Visnyk" in 2021-2023. Methodological basis. Such approaches of scientific knowledgeas objectivity and connection of theory and practice, the principle of unity of relationship with modern conditions and methods (analysis, cognitive, descriptive, statistical, synthesis) are used. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the transparent parameters of the "Library Herald" magazine in 2021-2023 are represented, an all-Ukrainian palette of magazine authors presenting the state's library affair and its foreign addressees ispresented. The obtained results form systemic ideas about the specifics of a professional periodical in the conditions of social upheavals. Conclusions. Scientific-theoretical and practical journal "Bibliothechnyi Visnyk", founded (1993) and published by the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, publishes the results of Ukrainian and foreign research in library science, bibliography, book studies and social communications. In addition to scientific articles, the main areas of library science research and current issues of library practice in conditions of social upheavals (quarantine restrictions dueto the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the full-scale invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of sovereign Ukraine) are reflected in the topics of other materials of the professional periodical. The journal "Bibliothechnyi Visnyk" enables social and communication transformations in the library and information sphere of Ukraine, is a thorough scientific and informational resource, including for students of all levels of education in the specialty 029 "Information, library and archival affairs" and an important communication tool of inter library interaction in modern scientific educational and cultural environment.
library science, library affair, journal, "bibliothechnyi visnyk", digitalage, information and communication technologies, digitalization, information space, scientific and publishing activity, national academy of sciences of ukraine, v. i. vernadskyi national library of ukraine.
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