Recent Advances in Material Technology for Leukemia Treatments


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Leukemia is a widespread hematological malignancy characterized by an elevated white blood cell count in both the blood and the bone marrow. Despite notable advancements in leukemia intervention in the clinic, a large proportion of patients, especially acute leukemia patients, fail to achieve long-term remission or complete remission following treatment. Therefore, leukemia therapy necessitates optimization to meet the treatment requirements. In recent years, a multitude of materials have undergone rigorous study to serve as delivery vectors or direct intervention agents to bolster the effectiveness of leukemia therapy. These materials include liposomes, protein-based materials, polymeric materials, cell-derived materials, and inorganic materials. They possess unique characteristics and are applied in a broad array of therapeutic modalities, including chemotherapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and other evolving treatments. Here, an overview of these materials is presented, describing their physicochemical properties, their role in leukemia treatment, and the challenges they face in the context of clinical translation. This review inspires researchers to further develop various materials that can be used to augment the efficacy of multiple therapeutic modalities for novel applications in leukemia treatment. Material technology presents great potentials in leukemia treatment. This review summarizes the types, physicochemical properties, as well as functions of various materials generally utilized in leukemia treatments, and highlights the current applications of these materials in diverse leukemia treatment modalities, including chemotherapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, radiotherapy, reactive-oxygen-species-based therapy, and combined therapy. image
chemotherapy,drug delivery,immunotherapy,leukemia treatment,material technology
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