Behavior Trees in Industrial Applications: A Case Study in Underground Explosive Charging

Mattias Hallen,Matteo Iovino, Shiva Sander-Tavallaey,Christian Smith


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In industrial applications Finite State Machines (FSMs) are often used to implement decision making policies for autonomous systems. In recent years, the use of Behavior Trees (BT) as an alternative policy representation has gained considerable attention. The benefits of using BTs over FSMs are modularity and reusability, enabling a system that is easy to extend and modify. However, there exists few published studies on successful implementations of BTs for industrial applications. This paper contributes with the lessons learned from implementing BTs in a complex industrial use case, where a robotic system assembles explosive charges and places them in holes on the rock face. The main result of the paper is that even if it is possible to model the entire system as a BT, combining BTs with FSMs can increase the readability and maintainability of the system. The benefit of such combination is remarked especially in the use case studied in this paper, where the full system cannot run autonomously but human supervision and feedback are needed.
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