Malaria infection and predictor factors among Chadian nomads’ children

Azoukalné Moukénet, Kebfene Moudiné,Ngarkodje Ngarasta, Clement Kerah Hinzoumbe,Ibrahima Seck

BMC Public Health(2024)

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In Chad, malaria remains a significant public health concern, particularly among nomadic populations. Geographical factors and the mobility of human populations have shown to be associated with the diversity of Plasmodium species. The study aims to describe the malaria prevalence among nomadic children and to investigate its associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted in February and October 2021 among nomadic communities in Chad. Blood sample were collected and tested from 187 Arab, Fulani and Dazagada nomadic children aged 3–59 months using malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT). A structured electronic questionnaire was administered to their parents to collect information about the socio‑economic data. Malaria testing results were categorized according to the SD BIOLINE Malaria Ag Pf/Pan RDT procedures. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine key risk factors explaining the prevalence of malaria. STATA version IC 13 was used for statistical analysis. The overall malaria prevalence in nomadic children was 24.60
Plasmodium,Prevalence,Infection,Long-lasting insecticidal nets,Seasonal malaria chemoprevention,Factors,Children,Nomads,Chad,Malaria
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