Charge Transport in the Presence of Correlations and Disorder: Organic Conductors and Manganites


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One of the most fascinating aspects of condensed matter is its ability to conduct electricity, which is particularly pronounced in conventional metals such as copper or silver. Such behavior stems from a strong tendency of valence electrons to delocalize in a periodic potential created by ions in the crystal lattice of a given material. In many advanced materials, however, this basic delocalization process of the valence electrons competes with various processes that tend to localize these very same valence electrons, thus driving the insulating behavior. The two such most important processes are the Mott localization, driven by strong correlation effects among the valence electrons, and the Anderson localization, driven by the interaction of the valence electrons with a strong disorder potential. These two localization processes are almost exclusively considered separately from both an experimental and a theoretical standpoint. Here, we offer an overview of our long-standing research on selected organic conductors and manganites, that clearly show the presence of both these localization processes. We discuss these results within existing theories of Mott-Anderson localization and argue that such behavior could be a common feature of many advanced materials.
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Key words
electron localization,disorder effects,correlation effects,organic conductors,manganites,Mott-Anderson localization
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