Ovarian Rejuvenation for Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Fertility & Reproduction(2023)

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Addressing fertility challenges, particularly those stemming from advancing maternal age, requires innovative and effective solutions. This presentation navigates the frontier of ovarian rejuvenation for diminished ovarian reserve, examining whether it remains a myth or emerges as a promising reality. The lecture offers a comprehensive review of various ovarian rejuvenation technologies available today. It will investigate the clinical studies, accumulated evidence, and overall clinical utility, creating a foundation for understanding the effectiveness and limitations of each approach. A significant portion will be dedicated to the role and potential of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments in ovarian rejuvenation. This segment will include clinical study data and firsthand experiences, providing a practical perspective on PRP application. Further, an exploration into the basic research that supports PRP usage will be presented. This knowledge illuminates how PRP might influence the ovarian environment and potentially restore ovarian function. In conclusion, the lecture aims to initiate dialogue on ovarian rejuvenation and rehabilitation as alternative treatment strategies for patients contending with diminished ovarian reserve. Through this exploration, the presentation hopes to offer insights into the current landscape of fertility treatments in women with diminished ovarian reserve.
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