Integrative experimental validation of concomitant miRNAs and transcription factors with differentially expressed genes in acute myocardial infarction.

European Journal of Pharmacology(2024)

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Identification of concomitant miRNAs and transcription factors (TFs) with differential expression (DEGs) in MI is crucial for understanding holistic gene regulation, identifying key regulators, and precision in biomarker and therapeutic target discovery. We performed a comprehensive analysis using Affymetrix microarray data, advanced bioinformatic tools, and experimental validation to explore potential biomarkers associated with human pathology. The search strategy includes the identification of the GSE83500 dataset, comprising gene expression profiles from aortic wall punch biopsies of MI and non-MI patients, which were used in the present study. The analysis identified nine distinct genes exhibiting DEGs within the realm of MI. miRNA-gene/TF and TF-gene/miRNA regulatory relations were mapped to retrieve interacting hub genes to acquire an MI miRNA-TF co-regulatory network. Furthermore, an animal model of I/R-induced MI confirmed the involved gene based on quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. The consequences of the bioinformatic tool substantiate the inference regarding the presence of three key hub genes (UBE2N, TMEM106B, and CXADR), a central miRNA (hsa-miR-124-3p), and sixteen TFs. Animal studies support the involvement of predicted genes in the I/R-induced myocardial infarction assessed by RT-PCR and Western blotting. Thus, the final consequences suggest the involvement of promising molecular pathways regulated by TF (p53/NF-κB1), miRNA (hsa-miR-124-3p), and hub gene (UBE2N), which may play a key role in the pathogenesis of MI.
I/R-induced myocardial infarction,Bioinformatic analysis,UBE2N,Hsa-miR-124-3p,p53/NF-κB1 pathway
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