A Revisit on Lead in Decorative and Industrial Paints in Nigeria

Ajoke Fehintola Idayat Akindele,Oladele Osibanjo


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Abstract No thanks to the injurious levels of lead in paints reported in the past. This study seeks to revisit the concentrations of lead in paints from different sectors, brand and types in the Nigerian markets. The study was investigated to check the marketed paints for improved and healthy formulation. The analysis showed Pb levels (µg/g in dry weight) in the samples across different manufacturers ranged from 2,220 − 91,500 in a cream (water-based) and black (oil-based) coloured decorative paints. The levels of Pb in oil-based paint ranged from 4,490 − 91,500 with mean of 38100 and 2,220 − 91,500 with mean of 21,800 in water-based paints. The Pb level in the paint samples is 50 times the 600 µg/g and 500 fold the 90 µg/g recommended by the US EPA and CPSC for paints. The main Principal Component Analysis accounted for upto 70% indicating that lead compounds, are majorly used as pigment to improve the quality of paints by paint manufacturers. Lead, has continuously been reported for its toxicity and no safe levels for children. This study is so revealing. Therefore, there is a major challenge to abate lead in all paint sectors by the government and this, should be done in good time.
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