How beech provenance affects the structure of secondary xylem, leaf traits, and the ectomycorrhizal community under optimal growth conditions


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Provenance controls conductive area of stem secondary xylem, leaf area, and stable isotope (C, N, and O) ratios of beech leaves, while no significant effects were observed for ectomycorrhizal community composition. Beyond growth parameters and drought tolerance, comparatively little is known about the functioning of different beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. We investigated properties of leaves, stem secondary xylem, and ectomycorrhiza (ECM), and explored their interdependencies to identify the best performing beech provenance in optimal growth conditions. The study was conducted on 23-year-old trees in a provenance trial. The investigated provenances originated from Atlantic (Belgium—BE), Alpine (Italy—IT, Slovenia—SI), and continental climates (the Czech Republic—CZ). A significant effect of provenance was observed for stem vessel diameters and conductive area, as well as for foliar
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Fagus sylvatica,Provenance trial,Stable isotopes,Specific leaf area,Xylem vessels,Ectomycorrhizal fungi
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