A clinicopathological study of perforation peritonitis in a tertiary care centre

Govind Sharma,Dinesh Dutt Sharma, Anshul Mathur, Shivangi Khandal


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Introduction: Peritonitis is dened as inammation of the serosal membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and the organs contained therein. Peritonitis secondary to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, a common occurrence in this country, requires emergency surgical intervention and is associated with signicant morbidity and mortality rates. Diagnosis is made clinically and conrmed by the presence of pneumoperitoneum on radiograph. Aims And Objectives: This research paper is intended to study clinicopathological prole & outcome of surgical management in perforation peritonitis with respect to age and sex distribution, clinical presentations, investigations, various anatomical sites of perforation, complications. A retrospective and prospective study was conducted on total of 100 patients who pre Methodology: sented with hollow viscus perforation peritonitis over a period of January 2017 to September 2019 in Department of General Surgery of Mahatma Gandhi and Mathura Das Mathur hospitals attached to Dr. Sampurnanand Medical College, Jodhpur. Data was collected with respect to following variables:- 1)Particulars of the Case. 2) History of the patient3)Clinical examination of the patient4)LaboratoryInvestigations. 5)X- ray chest & Flat Plate abdomen 6) Ultrasonography abdomen 7) Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography of abdomen(if required) 8) Intraoperative nding for site of perforation 9) Etiology of perforation 9) Operative procedure carried out 10) Post operative complications. Per Conclusion: foration peritonitis is mostly seen in males during 3 th 4 and decade of life & present with pain abdomen, vomiting and distension. History of fever is one of the most useful clinical criteria to differentiate typhoid from other perforations. Peptic perforation is the most common cause followed by appendicular perforation. These cases can be conrmed with X-ray at plate abdomen. Ultrasonography and CECT abdomen are done in selected cases. These cases are managed surgically. Patients may develop complications in the post operative period in which wound and chest infection are the common complications encountered. Septicaemia can occur in some patients which increases the mortality.
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