Smart Water Irrigation System with Real Time Data Collection and Wireless Communication

Wei You Tan, Raymond Khor, Wen Fang Yeo,Chia Chao Kang,Jian Ding Tan,Mohammadmahdi Ariannejad

2024 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST)(2024)

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The existing water irrigation system relies on manual or time-based control, which can result in water wastage and overwatering of plants. Besides, Malaysia is expected to experience long-term drought caused by climate change by 2030, which will impact the plants tremendously. A prototype of the system has been developed to address these challenges. The water irrigation system targets public gardens with Wi-Fi coverage and utilizes rainwater to irrigate plants. It aims to mitigate the long-term drought impact by introducing distributed water tank systems and making better irrigation decisions using raindrop sensors. The system utilizes microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators powered by rechargeable batteries for better portability to users. Users only need to ensure water supply availability at the installation area, without relying on alternating current supply. The irrigation system enables automatic mode and manual mode through software. The prototype demonstrates better water conservation compared to traditional irrigation methods. Precise water irrigation and real-time data monitoring effectively minimizes water wastage while optimizing plant growth. Furthermore, integrating of automatic controls and remote manual control features greatly improves cost efficiency by minimizing labour expenses and operational costs. The system supports the Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
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Water Irrigation System,Wireless Communication,Green Technology,Automatic and Manual Mode,Sustainability
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