Composite Conductive Carbon-Polymer Paints as a Replacement for the “Faraday Cage”

Viacheslav Barsukov, Ilona Senyk, Borys Haliuk, Yaroslav Kuryptia,Volodymyr Khomenko,Oksana Butenko,Oksana Chernysh, Iryna Makyeyeva, Mirella Suchea,Emmanuel Koudoumas

Defect and Diffusion Forum(2024)

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We have developed composite paint based on graphite, carbon black and some other not expensive components, which can be used as a clay court for sustainable buildings and electronic devices. This paint can reduce sufficiently the problem, which is related to the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on human health. Cellular and radiotelephones, as well as their broadcast antennas, especially which use of the 5G, 6G communication system, may pose a high risk of cancer, reproductive disorders, memory, cellular stress, neurological and mental disorders. The medical disorders are already often experienced by servicemen working at radar stations, observation posts and other similar facilities associated with high-frequency EMR. The effect of EMR is especially dangerous for children of preschool and school age, so, it is necessary to use similar paints first of all for such buildings. Carbon-based composite paints have been developed, which can be used as a clay court for sustainable buildings and electronic devices. This paint can reduce sufficiently the problem, which is related to the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on human health. Cellular and radiotelephones, as well as their broadcast antennas, especially which use of the 5G, 6G communication system, may pose a high risk of cancer, reproductive disorders, memory, cellular stress, neurological and mental disorders. The medical disorders are already often experienced by servicemen working at radar stations, observation posts and other similar facilities associated with high-frequency EMR. The effect of EMR is especially dangerous for children of preschool and school-age, so, it is necessary to use similar paints first of all for such buildings. It is also necessary to note the significant impact of EMR on electronic equipment. First of all, this is a well-known problem of providing the so-called "electronic compatibility", when simultaneously operating different electronic equipment (e.g., thermal imager and radio transmitter) interfere with each other. A number of scientific developments have been implemented and work is underway under the NATO SfS international grant in this area.
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