Factors structure of psychological readiness in elite wrestlers men and women

Alina Berezhna,Lesia Korobeinikova

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)(2024)

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The article examines the factor structure of the psychological readiness of highly qualified wrestlers. 24 highly qualified athletes specializing in women's wrestling and 33 highly qualified athletes specializing in freestyle wrestling were examined. All athletes are members of national teams of Ukraine. Consent was obtained from all athletes to participate in research and to use the results for scientific purposes. The psycho-emotional state (according to Lüscher's color test), the state of neurodynamic functions (balance and mobility of nervous processes) and the state of cognitive functions (assessment of non-verbal and verbal intelligence, working memory, logical and analytical thinking and the level of manifestation of stress resistance) were investigated using hardware- software computer complex "Multipsychometer - 05". It is shown that the psychological readiness of highly qualified wrestlers consists of five factors: perception of external information; mental state; the quality and speed of processing non-verbal information and making an optimal decision. Among highly qualified wrestlers, five factors ensuring psychological readiness were also found: perception of external information; mental state; making the optimal decision; speed of perception and level of stress resistance. According to the research results, it can be concluded that in order to optimize the psychological readiness of highly qualified wrestlers, it is necessary to have an appropriate level of the state of the system of perception, processing of external information and making an optimal decision. Accordingly, the optimization of psychological readiness in highly qualified wrestlers is ensured by the ability to make optimal decisions with different types of perception and a high level of stress resistance.
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