DiDA: Disambiguated Domain Alignment for Cross-Domain Retrieval with Partial Labels

Haoran Liu,Ying Ma,Ming Yan, Yingke Chen,Dezhong Peng,Xu Wang

AAAI 2024(2024)

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Driven by generative AI and the Internet, there is an increasing availability of a wide variety of images, leading to the significant and popular task of cross-domain image retrieval. To reduce annotation costs and increase performance, this paper focuses on an untouched but challenging problem, i.e., cross-domain image retrieval with partial labels (PCIR). Specifically, PCIR faces great challenges due to the ambiguous supervision signal and the domain gap. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method called disambiguated domain alignment (DiDA) for cross-domain retrieval with partial labels. In detail, DiDA elaborates a novel prototype-score unitization learning mechanism (PSUL) to extract common discriminative representations by simultaneously disambiguating the partial labels and narrowing the domain gap. Additionally, DiDA proposes a prototype-based domain alignment mechanism (PBDA) to further bridge the inherent cross-domain discrepancy. Attributed to PSUL and PBDA, our DiDA effectively excavates domain-invariant discrimination for cross-domain image retrieval. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DiDA through comprehensive experiments on three benchmarks, comparing it to existing state-of-the-art methods. Code available: https://github.com/lhrrrrrr/DiDA.
CV: Image and Video Retrieval,ML: Multi-instance/Multi-view Learning
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