Consensus of the Brazilian association of hematology, hemotherapy and cellular therapy on patient blood management: Assessment and management of coagulation in the preoperative period.

Flavia Leite, Bruno Deltreggia Benites, Roberto Luiz da Silva, Selma Soriano,Susankerle de Oliveira Costa Alves,Silvia Renata Cornélio Parolin Rizzo,Guilherme Rabello,Dante Mario Langhi Junior

Hematology, transfusion and cell therapy(2024)

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Managing coagulation disorders and potential bleeding risks, especially in the context of anticoagulant medications, is of immense value both clinically and prior to surgery. Coagulation disorders can lead to bleeding complications, affecting patient safety and surgical outcomes. The use of Patient Blood Management protocols offers a comprehensive, evidence-based approach that effectively addresses these challenges. The problem is to find a delicate balance between preventing thromboembolic events (blood clots) and reducing the risk of bleeding. Anticoagulant medications, although crucial to preventing clot formation, can increase the potential for bleeding during surgical procedures. Patient blood management protocols aim to optimize patient outcomes by minimizing blood loss and unnecessary transfusions.
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