The effect of Enceladus’s space debris on DAWs in Saturn’s E ring in the presence of suprathermal particles

I.E. Ibrahim,H.I. Abdel-Gawad,W.M. Moslem, I.S. Elkamash

Chinese Journal of Physics(2024)

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The detection of dust within Saturn’s rings through instruments on Voyager 1, Voyager 2, and Cassini missions has sparked our interest in investigating the evolution of electrostatic dust acoustic waves (DAWs) in Saturn’s E ring dusty plasma. We have studied the propagation of both linear and weakly nonlinear DAWs in a magnetized dusty plasma, which includes highly energetic non-Maxwellian ions and electrons, as well as inertial negative dust grains, in the presence of a charge density source term. By employing the reductive perturbation method (RPT), we derived the forced-Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation (fZK), and subsequently obtained the exact solution using the extended unified method (EUM). When the strength of the density source term approaches zero, a soliton wave arises exclusively as anticipated. However, at lower values of the source strength, a kink-soliton wave emerges. Conversely, at higher values of the source strength, a solitary wave is generated, indicating a more stable plasma state. Additionally, we have observed a significant influence of plasma characteristics, such as the unperturbed number density, real-spectral index of superthermal electrons and ions, ion-electron temperature ratio, and Saturn’s magnetic field, on both soliton and kink-soliton waves.
Enceladus’s space debris,DAWs,Saturn’s E ring,Dusty plasma
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