Utilizing a unique deep learning technique for detecting anomalies in industrial automation systems

Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa, Rakesh Kumar Yadav, Alka Singh Noida,Arvind Kumar Pandey

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences(2024)

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Industrial automation systems (IASs) are utilized in vital facilities to sustain society's fundamental services. As a consequence, protecting them against terrorist operations, natural catastrophes and cyber-threats is essential. The research on techniques for identifying cyber-attacks in IAS environments is lacking. The study proposed the Stochastic Turbulent water flow optimization based restricted Boltzmann machine (STWFO-RBM) to overcome the challenges. The proposed STWFO-RBM integrates anomaly detection into the fabric of industrial automation, enhancing system resilience and responsiveness. We collected datasets from the water industry and preprocessed them through min-max normalization, and then principal component analysis was used for feature extraction. The results show that the suggested technique applies to a real-world IAS situation, with state-of-the-art accuracy of 97%, F1 score of 96%, precision of 98%, recall of 95% and 6.1s of computational time. Our proposed method is better than the average of earlier endeavors.
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Key words
industry,stochastic turbulent water flow optimization based restricted boltzmann machine (stwfo-rbm),anomalies,real-time monitoring.
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