Utilizing machine learning-based intrusion detection technologies for network security

Rahul Kumar Sharma,Arvind Kumar Pandey, Bhuvana Jayabalan, Preeti Naval

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences(2024)

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Effective intrusion detection systems (IDS) are becoming essential for maintaining computer network security due to the growing complexity of cyber-attacks. Machine Learning (ML) can increase the effectiveness of intrusion detection technology, which is an essential resource to safeguard network security. A novel ML technique for intrusion information detection called Stochastic Cat Swarm Optimized Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression (SCSO-PPLR) is proposed. We assess intrusion detection systems using KDDCup99 dataset. The dataset is pre-processed using Z-score normalization to normalize the features. Next, Features are extracted by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). By comparing the results of the SCSO-PPLR methodology with traditional methods and using assessment criteria including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, the model's performance is extensively evaluated. The study reveals that SCSO-PPLR is an acceptable strategy for intrusion detection in network security and it is effective. These insights broaden IDS and groundwork for further research on reliable cybersecurity remedies.
machine learning,network security,network attack,cybersecurity,intrusion detection systems (ids),stochastic cat swarm optimized privacy-preserving logistic regression (scso-pplr)
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