Demonstration of hypergraph-state quantum information processing


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Complex entangled states are the key resources for measurement-based quantum computations, which is realised by performing a sequence of measurements on initially entangled qubits. Executable quantum algorithms in the graph-state quantum computing model are determined by the entanglement structure and the connectivity of entangled qubits. By generalisation from graph-type entanglement in which only the nearest qubits interact to a new type of hypergraph entanglement in which any subset of qubits can be arbitrarily entangled via hyperedges, hypergraph states represent more general resource states that allow arbitrary quantum computation with Pauli universality. Here we report experimental preparation, certification and processing of complete categories of four-qubit hypergraph states under the principle of local unitary equivalence, on a fully reprogrammable silicon-photonic quantum chip. Genuine multipartite entanglement for hypergraph states is certificated by the characterisation of entanglement witness, and the observation of violations of Mermin inequalities without any closure of distance or detection loopholes. A basic measurement-based protocol and an efficient resource state verification by color-encoding stabilizers are implemented with local Pauli measurement to benchmark the building blocks for hypergraph-state quantum computation. Our work prototypes hypergraph entanglement as a general resource for quantum information processing. Usual multiqubit entangled states can be described using the graph formalism, where each edge connects only two qubits. Here, instead, the authors use a reprogrammable silicon photonics chip to showcase preparation, verification and processing of arbitrary four-qubit hypergraph states, where hyperedges describe entanglement within a subset of many qubits.
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