Predicting ion cyclotron emission from neutral beam heated plasmas in Wendelstein7-X stellarator

O. Samant, R. O. Dendy, S. C. Chapman,D. Moseev,R. Ochoukov


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Measurements of ion cyclotron emission (ICE) are planned for magnetically confined fusion plasmas heated by neutral beam injection (NBI) in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (W7-X). Freshly injected NBI ions in the edge region, whose velocity-space distribution function approximates a delta-function, are potentially unstable against the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability (MCI), which could drive a detectable ICE signal. Prediction of ICE from NBI protons in W7-X hydrogen plasmas is challenging, owing to the low ratio of the ions' perpendicular velocity to the local Alfven speed, v perpendicular to ( NBI ) / V A similar or equal to 0.14 . We address this from first principles, using the particle-in-cell kinetic code EPOCH. This self-consistently solves the Lorentz force equation and Maxwell's equations for tens of millions of computational ions (both thermal majority and energetic NBI minority) and electrons, fully resolving gyromotion and hence capturing the cyclotron resonant phenomenology which gives rise to ICE. Our simulations predict an ICE signal which is predominantly electrostatic while incorporating a significant electromagnetic component. Its frequency power spectrum reflects novel MCI physics, reported here for the first time. The NBI ions relaxing under the MCI first drive broadband field energy at frequencies a little below the lower hybrid frequency omega LH , across the wavenumber range k omega c / V A = 40 -60, where omega c and VA denote ion cyclotron frequency and Alfven velocity. Nonlinear coupling between these waves then excites spectrally structured ICE with narrow peaks, at much lower frequencies, typically the proton cyclotron frequency and its lower harmonics. The relative strength of these peaks depends on the specifics of the NBI ion velocity-space distribution and of the local plasma conditions, implying diagnostic potential for the predicted ICE signal from W7-X.
ion cyclotron emission,neutral beam injection,stellarator,particle-in-cell code,magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability,Wendelstein 7-X,lower hybrid
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