
Cluster Structure Near Beta-stability And Far From Stability

AIP Conference Proceedings(2018)

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The study of cluster structure of the nuclei provides important information about many body co-relation in quantum many body system. This co-relation within atomic nucleons is a valuable ingredient for understanding the nuclear force. Across the nuclear landscape various features of the cluster structures of nuclei have been observed. In this conference proceedings, the experimental signature of alpha-cluster states in the nucleus near beta-stability and indirect evidence of the cluster decay from an excited nucleus near proton drip-line is presented. The experiment was performed using Mo-92 target and stable beam, S-32 from 15 MV pelletron machine at IUAC, New Delhi. The cluster structure states of Ru-96 were populated by alpha transfer reaction. The gamma-rays decaying from those states were measured in gamma-gamma coincidence mode using 14 Clover detector array (INGA). That reaction populated the states up to 12(+) spin and a number of negative parity states. Those states can be tentatively a explained as an asymmetric molecular cluster-structure. On the other hand, the neutron-deficient nucleus Ce-124, near proton drip-line was populated in higher excited states by fusion reaction using S-32 + Mo-92 reaction. The exotic nucleus de-excited by evaporating and/or decaying p, n, and/or light nuclei etc. The experimentally obtained relative population of those exotic nuclei have been compared with the statistical model calculation and dynamical cluster model (DCM). An indirect evidence of clusters decaying from excited nucleus near proton drip line has been observed.
cluster structure,beta-stability
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