Rapid and automatic phenotyping of cells through their annexin-mediated enforced blebbing response

Wei Huang, Zheng Wang,Dennis W. Y. Au,Bingxian Tang, Baiqian Qi,William C. Cho,Yuan Lin


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Cellular blebbing has been widely recognized as a hallmark of processes such as apoptosis and cell migration. Here, we developed a novel double-layer compression microfluidic device to trigger the enforced blebbing of cells in a programmable manner. It was found that the critical compression for inducing membrane bleb in highly invasive or drug-resistant breast and lung cancer cell lines could be several times higher than that of their non-invasive or drug-sensitive counterparts. Furthermore, we showed that knockdown of annexin-6, a protein known to be heavily involved in membrane and calcium dynamics in cells, led to a significantly reduced cellular volume, reflecting a lowered intracellular pressure, and an similar to twofold increase in the critical compressive strain for triggering blebbing. The fact that hundreds of cells can be tested and automatically analyzed in our device at the same time highlights the potential of this simple and label-free method in applications such as cell sorting and disease detection. (c) 2024 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
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