Blockchain-Based Decentralized Application for Telesurgery in Metaverse Environment

2024 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence)(2024)

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With the advent of technology in the medical industry, telesurgery has emerged as a transformative era of conventional medical practices to facilitate remote and efficient surgical procedures for the betterment of patients' health. Moreover, innovative technologies introduce a full-immersive metaverse environment for enabling communication between patients and doctors virtually and efficiently. Nevertheless, remote telesurgery operations in the metaverse are susceptible to various security and privacy issues that need to be tackled to secure the patient's confidential health data. Thus, we design an Ethereum blockchain-based decentralized application (DApp) for selecting and conducting telesurgery operations based on the doctors' specialization and type of surgery. The proposed application ensures secure and preserved communication between patient and doctor in the metaverse environment by deploying the smart contract in the Remix Integrated Development Environment (IDE). DApp is designed using web3 and JavaScript (JS) to reflect the telesurgery operations to the doctor and patient in the metaverse environment. Finally, the proposed smart contract for the application is evaluated based on parameters such as gas consumption analysis for smart contract functions and doctors registered and cost analysis for smart contract functions.
Blockchain,DApp,Metaverse,Remix IDE,Telesurgery
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