Artificial intelligence in tackling coronavirus and future pandemics

Shagufta Quazi, Sampa Karmakar Singh,Rudra Prasad Saha,Arpita Das,Manoj Kumar Singh

Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences(2024)

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SARS-COV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) was initially tested in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019 and had a devastating impact worldwide, exterminating more than 6 million people as of September 2022. It became the biggest worldwide health crisis since the 1918 influenza outbreak. Viruses generally mutate randomly, so predicting how SARS-CoV-2 will transform over the next few months or years and which forms will predominate is impossible. The possibilities for virus mutation, in theory, are practically endless. Enabling researchers to determine which antibodies have the potential to be most effective against existing and future variations could help machine learning to assist in drug discovery. In the COVID-19 pandemic, AI has benefited four key areas: diagnosis, clinical decision-making for public health, virtual assistance, and therapeutic research. This study conducted a discourse analysis and textual evaluation of AI (deep learning and machine learning) concerning the COVID-19 outbreak. Further, this study also discusses the latest inventions that can be very helpful in future pandemic detection. COVID-19 has already changed our lives, and in the future, we might be able to deal with pandemics like this with the help of AI. This review has also emphasized the legal implications of AI in the battle against COVID-19.
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