Epigenetics and the neurodegenerative process

Bartosz Slowikowski, Wojciech Owecki,Jan Jeske, Michal Jezierski, Michal Dragula, Ulyana Goutor,Pawel P. Jagodzinski,Wojciech Kozubski,Jolanta Dorszewska


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Neurological diseases are multifactorial, genetic and environmental. Environmental factors such as diet, physical activity and emotional state are epigenetic factors. Environmental markers are responsible for epigenetic modifications. The effect of epigenetic changes is increased inflammation of the nervous system and neuronal damage. In recent years, it has been shown that epigenetic changes may cause an increased risk of neurological disorders but, currently, the relationship between epigenetic modifications and neurodegeneration remains unclear. This review summarizes current knowledge about neurological disorders caused by epigenetic changes in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke and epilepsy. Advances in epigenetic techniques may be key to understanding the epigenetics of central changes in neurological diseases. Created with with BioRender.com
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DNA,epigenetics modifications,neurodegeneration,neuroinflammation,RNA
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