Predicting Genetic Disorders: A Link Mining Approach

Madhura Sen,Rajkumar Rajasekaran,A JayaRam Reddy, Govinda K

2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE)(2024)

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Genetic diseases are conditions caused by a spontaneous alteration or mutation in an individual's DNA. People can inherit genetic disorders from parents, which means they are born with them, even if they are not initially noticeable. On the other hand, some illnesses are not inherited and arise due to disease-causing mutations occurring during cell division. In link mining, link prediction is a crucial task. Based on attribute information and observed existing link information, link prediction predicts if there will be a link between two nodes. Link prediction is applicable not just in the sphere of social networks but also in other fields. This project primarily aims to forecast a person's probability of being diagnosed with a genetic condition. To accomplish this, elements such as the person's family history, the environment in which they live, and a variety of others will be considered. The likelihood of a person being diagnosed with a specific genetic condition can be predicted using the Firefly algorithm. If a person is genetically connected to someone having a given ailment, they are more likely to be diagnosed. Pollution, radioactive radiation, and other environmental factors may also affect the disease's incidence. Considering these factors, we suggest a method for determining the likelihood of a person being diagnosed via link prediction.
genetic disorders,link prediction,firefly algorithm,social network analysis,healthcare
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