Shift from income breeding to capital breeding with latitude in the invasive Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus


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Organisms vary in the timing of energy acquisition and use for reproduction. Thus, breeding strategies exist on a continuum, from capital breeding to income breeding. Capital breeders acquire and store energy for breeding before the start of the reproductive season, while income breeders finance reproduction using energy acquired during the reproductive season. Latitude and its associated environmental drivers are expected to heavily influence breeding strategy, potentially leading to latitudinal variation in breeding strategies within a single species. We examined the breeding strategy of the Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus at five sites spanning nearly 10 degrees of latitude across its invaded United States range. We hypothesized that the primary breeding strategy of this species would shift from income breeding to capital breeding as latitude increases. We found that though this species' breeding strategy is dominated by capital breeding throughout much of the range, income breeding increases in importance at lower latitudes. This latitudinal pattern is likely heavily influenced by the duration of the foraging and breeding seasons, which also vary with latitude. We also found that reproductive characteristics at the northern and southern edges of the invaded range were consistent with continued range expansion. We suggest that the reproductive flexibility of the Asian shore crab is a key facilitator of its continued invasion success. Our results highlight the influence of latitude on the breeding strategy of a species and emphasize the need for further research regarding the ecological importance and implications of flexibility in breeding strategies within species.
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