Smart Women Safety Device Using IoT and GPS Tracker

G. Uganya, N. Kirubakaran,Bernatin T, M. Boobalan

2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS)(2023)

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The utilisation of IOT is one of the crucial components. Since women are always scared to leave their houses for fear of being physically or sexually mistreated or subjected to violence, women's safety in the modern world has become a critical worry. Despite the market being flooded with smart devices and software, none of them provide a practicalsolution. Experts in many sectors have discovered women's safety technology that operates both manually and automatically for an older method. The message can be provided immediately if the user calls the police station, and the message's accuracy will depend on how accurately the user talks. This work uses a GPS module, GSM module, heartbeat sensor, and Esp-cam to illustrate a women's safety detectionsystem. And the monitoring and messaging system is made up of a “microcontroller”, “GSM modem”, and a “GPS receiver”. Latitude and longitude information is obtained by the GPS receiver from satellites in the form of location data.
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