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A combined study of girikarni phaladi nasya and netikarma in management of ardhavabhedaka (migraine)

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal March 2024(2024)

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Introduction: Migraine is one of the most common neurovascular disabling disorders. Migraine can be defined as a paroxysmal affection having a sudden onset accompanied by usually unilateral severe headache. In Ayurve-da, migraine is described as Ardhavabhedaka, which is a significant health issue among people of the age group 30-50 years. According to WHO, migraine is the third most common disease in the world, with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7%. Chronic migraine affects about 2% of the world's population. Female and male ratio 3:1. It is a widespread chronic and intermittently disabling disorder characterised by recurrent headaches with or without aura. Neti Karma and Nasya, one of the five types of Shodhana therapy, is the most effective Chikitsa for treating Urdhvajatrugata Roga (Eye, ENT and head diseases). Methodology: A single arm open randomised clinical study was conducted on 40 clinically diagnosed patients with Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine) for the proce-dure (Nasya karma and Neti karma) in the Postgraduate Institute of Ayurved, DSRRAU, Jodhpur. The study evaluates their role in the management of Shirahshoola (Headache), Shirobhrama (Confusion), Phonophobia (Sensitivity of sound), Shirajala (Pulsating vessels), Netra hani (Loss of Vision), Anorexia (Aruchi). Result: The result of the study depicts that Nasya karma and Neti karma have significantly helped reduce the Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine). Conclusion: The study concluded that Nasya and Neti karma have a role in man-aging Migraines, giving internal medication dosages, increasing their level of physical and mental alertness, and preventing complications. Both therapies are effective in Vata & Vata-Kapha disease. Results should be validat-ed in larger sample sizes and multicentric models to establish it as a well-known treatment.
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