Kinetically constrained models constructed from dissipative quantum dynamics

Somnath Maity,Ryusuke Hamazaki


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We propose a construction of kinetically constrained models using the Markovian quantum dynamics under strong dissipation. Using the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad (GKSL) formalism, we show that strong dissipation leads to the emergent decoherence-free subspaces, within which constrained quantum many-body unitary dynamics can take place. We argue that the unitary dynamics constructed by the GKSL dynamics is more tightly constrained than that constructed by the strongly interacting Hamiltonian, where the interactions have the same form with the GKSL jump operators. As an example, we demonstrate that a one-dimensional spin system with two-site dissipation leads to the kinetically constrained “PXQ" model, which exhibits the free domain-wall motion with an additional frozen-block structure. Under the uniform magnetic field, the PXQ model shows the domain-wall localization, similar to the Wannier-Stark localization. We then couple two PXQ chains with the magnetic field and inter-chain interaction. We discover that, while localization of the domain walls persists despite the interactions for typical parameter regimes, a non-trivial partial delocalization appears for a certain parameter line.
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