Tangent space generators of matrix product states and exact Floquet quantum scars


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The advancement of quantum simulators motivates the development of a theoretical framework to assist with efficient state preparation in quantum many-body systems. Generally, preparing a target entangled state via unitary evolution with time-dependent couplings is a challenging task and very little is known about the existence of solutions and their properties. In this work we develop a constructive approach for preparing matrix product states (MPS) via continuous unitary evolution. We provide an explicit construction of the operator which exactly implements the evolution of a given MPS along a specified direction in its tangent space. This operator can be written as a sum of local terms of finite range, yet it is in general non-Hermitian. Relying on the explicit construction of the non-Hermitian generator of the dynamics, we demonstrate the existence of a Hermitian sequence of operators that implements the desired MPS evolution with the error which decreases exponentially with the operator range. The construction is benchmarked on an explicit periodic trajectory in a translationally invariant MPS manifold. We demonstrate that the Floquet unitary generating the dynamics over one period of the trajectory features an approximate MPS-like eigenstate embedded among a sea of thermalizing eigenstates. These results show that our construction is useful not only for state preparation and control of many-body systems, but also provides a generic route towards Floquet scars – periodically driven models with quasi-local generators of dynamics that have exact MPS eigenstates in their spectrum.
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