Xps investigation of the work function of glass carbon coatings after extended stay on the international space station (iss)

Aleksandar Tsanev,Korneli Grigorov,Hristo Kolev, Anna Bouzekova-Penkova,Boyko Tsyntsarski, Peter Tsvetkov,Dimitar Teodosiev

Aerospace Research in Bulgaria(2024)

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Using XPS, the electron work function values on the surface of glassy carbon coatings of graphite samples, after an extended stay on a board of the ISS in open space conditions, were investigated. The results were compared with the characteristics of glassy carbon coatings of samples left on the ground for the same period. It was found that the electron work function does not change significantly, and this proves the possibilities of successfully application of these coatings, obtained by original Bulgarian technology, for space experiments on the board of satellites for measuring electric fields in the ionospheric-magnetospheric plasma. The minimal observed variations in the values of the electron work function are explained by small differences in the content of traces of different chemical elements on the surface of the coatings. It has been established that the glassy carbon coatings have stable characteristics after a long stay in space, despite the small fluctuations in the values of the electron work function. The results show that glassy carbon coatings are chemically and mechanically stable. The obtained results of this original technological experiment are unique for development of sensitive elements - sensors for measuring weak electric fields in the cosmic plasma.
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