Noise pollution from Arctic expedition cruise vessels: understanding causes, consequences and governance options

Fabienne Mannherz, Maaike Knol-Kauffmann,Vonintsoa Rafaly,Heidi Ahonen,Bjørn Ivar Kruke


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Abstract Significant increase in shipping in the Arctic has caught international and national attention. The rising presence of touristic expedition cruise vessels might describe a special case for noise-emitting activities while they seek exclusive opportunities to experience the Arctic first-hand. This interdisciplinary study explores the sources and potential impacts of shipping noise from cruise expeditions in the Arctic and how this knowledge can assist policymakers and industry in increasing environmental safety. The study provides a comprehensive overview of context-specific noise emissions from Arctic cruise expeditions and potential adverse consequences for Arctic endemic marine mammals. In addition, it discusses governance options for mitigating these consequences. Internationally, legal adaptations in the shipping conventions MARPOL and SOLAS should recognise noise as harmful energy. In turn, this could facilitate the uptake of certification schemes based on noise levels in the Polar Code. These legal actions can be strengthened by extended collective self-governance and through introducing economic incentives at the port level.
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