
Development and validation of a national clinical pharmacy competency framework for hospital pharmacists: a multi-method study

Jasmin Theresa Stoll, Birgit Böhmdorfer-McNair, Martina Jeske,Anita Elaine Weidmann


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Abstract Background Despite the publication of a European wide competency framework for hospital pharmacy by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacist (EAHP) in 2017, not all countries have adopted and implemented such a framework. Aim This study aimed to develop and validate a bespoke national hospital pharmacy competency framework that supports the hospital pharmacy workforce development. Method A multi-method study was carried out in three phases. (I) A systematic literature review across 48 websites of healthcare-related associations and six scientific databases was conducted, resulting in competency frameworks, guidelines and related documents. Eligibility screening was conducted by two researchers independently (JS/AEW) using the PRISMA standard. (II) Extracted behaviour competencies were reviewed for contextual national appropriateness by three researchers (JS/BBM/AEW) prior to mapping against the “Patient Care and Clinical Pharmacy Skills” domain of European Common Training Framework (CTF). (III) Validation of the resultant draft clinical skills competency framework took place by an expert panel discussion. Reporting of findings is aligned with the recommendations for reporting Competency Framework Development in health professions (CONFERD-HP guidelines) and the PRISMA 2020 checklist. Results The systematic review (SR) resulted in 28 frameworks, guidelines and related documents and the identification of 379 behaviour competencies, with nineteen mapped to the “Patient Care and Clinical Pharmacy Skills” domain of the CTF (after removal of duplicates). Expert panel discussion resulted in suggested changes to ensure contextual national appropriateness. Conclusion This multi-method approach resulted in the development and validation of the first clinical national pharmacy competency framework for Austria. Future studies should focus on political and practical structures necessary for its successful implementation.
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