Scalable and programmable quantum computing platform for optical non-Gaussian input states


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Quantum computing has been pursued with various hardware platforms, and an optical system is one of the most reasonable choices for large-scale computation. In the optical continuous-variable computation scheme, the incorporation of Gaussian gates and a highly non-classical non-Gaussian state enables universal quantum computation. Although basic technologies for Gaussian gates and non-Gaussian state generations have long been developed, these building blocks have not yet been integrated in a scalable fashion. Here, we integrate them to develop a scalable and programmable optical quantum computing platform that can sequentially perform an essential Gaussian gate, the squeezing gate, on a non-Gaussian input state. The key enablers are a loop-based optical circuit with dynamical and programmable controllability and its time-synchronization with the probabilistic non-Gaussian state generation. We verify the deterministic, programmable, and repeatable quantum gates on a typical non-Gaussian state by implementing up to three-step gates. The gates implemented are so high-quality that strong evidence of the states' non-classicalities, negativities of the Wigner functions, are preserved even after multistep gates. This platform is compatible with other non-Gaussian states and realizes large-scale universal quantum computing by incorporating other existing processing technologies.
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