An Empirical Study on JIT Defect Prediction Based on BERT-style Model

Yuxiang Guo,Xiaopeng Gao,Bo Jiang


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Previous works on Just-In-Time (JIT) defect prediction tasks have primarily applied pre-trained models directly, neglecting the configurations of their fine-tuning process. In this study, we perform a systematic empirical study to understand the impact of the settings of the fine-tuning process on BERT-style pre-trained model for JIT defect prediction. Specifically, we explore the impact of different parameter freezing settings, parameter initialization settings, and optimizer strategies on the performance of BERT-style models for JIT defect prediction. Our findings reveal the crucial role of the first encoder layer in the BERT-style model and the project sensitivity to parameter initialization settings. Another notable finding is that the addition of a weight decay strategy in the Adam optimizer can slightly improve model performance. Additionally, we compare performance using different feature extractors (FCN, CNN, LSTM, transformer) and find that a simple network can achieve great performance. These results offer new insights for fine-tuning pre-trained models for JIT defect prediction. We combine these findings to find a cost-effective fine-tuning method based on LoRA, which achieve a comparable performance with only one-third memory consumption than original fine-tuning process.
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