In situ repairing of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite via multi-axial additive manufacturing

Jie Hou,Lu Lu,Shangqin Yuan, Ruikang Zhai, Yifan Hu, Dongrui Wang,Xiangfan Nie, Fang Li,Heye Xiao

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(2024)

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The conventional repairing of CFRP (continuous fiber-reinforced polymer composites) includes complicated steps of patching, splicing, repairing, and post-curing. Intensive labor work needs to be conducted, and poor surface quality and weak interfacial adhesion are usually observed. This work mainly introduces an in situ online repairing method using AM (additive manufacturing) facilitated composite fabrication. With the advances of the robotic-assisted AM process, the surface roughness and accuracy during the repairing process can be evaluated online upon layer-by-layer process. In order to fulfill the efficient and on-site requirements for repairing damage in structural components, this study explores the method including in situ repairing, laser point clouds online collection, and repairing path planning based on multi-axial additive manufacturing of composites. A repair algorithm is proposed incorporating point clouds collection, measurement evaluation, and path planning. Furthermore, relevant mechanical measurements have been conducted, so as to assess the interface degree of recovery. A rapid online evaluation and surface conformal repairing method have been proposed to overcome the technical bottleneck of in situ automatic repairing of damaged composites. It expands the application of multi-axial robot-assisted CFRP AM.
Composite repairing,Robot-assisted additive manufacturing,Path planning
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