Variability Among Polish Workers in Flexible Employment: A Sociodemographic Analysis

Interdisciplinary Journal of Labor and Economics(2024)

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This paper presents sociodemographic data derived from an empirical study conducted on a sample of n=2118 workers engaged in flexible forms of employment, within a broader research endeavor titled “Occupational challenges among individuals working under flexible employment arrangements – a psychological perspective”. The decision to focus on this segment of the research stemmed from a trend identified in international literature, examining the profile of the average flexible worker in highly developed nations. Analysis of the sample of flexible workers reveals a cohort primarily comprised of young individuals, with comparable representation of both genders, residing in urban areas, and possessing relatively short tenures of employment. They tend to be well-educated, married with children, having a limited number of past employers, and predominantly employed within the private sector. The characteristics of the Polish study sample align with descriptions of the typical flexible worker in Europe.
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