Clinical approach to diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes

Handbook of Clinical Neurology Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disorders(2024)

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The correct diagnosis of a paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome (PNS) first requires the identification of the syndrome as one of those defined as high-risk (previously called classical) or intermediate-risk for cancer in the 2021 PNS diagnostic criteria. Testing for neuronal antibodies should be restricted to these syndromes as indiscriminate request decreases the diagnostic value of the antibodies. Identifying onconeural (high-risk for cancer) or intermediate-risk for cancer antibodies supports the paraneoplastic diagnosis and mandates the search for an underlying cancer. Tumor screening must follow the published guidelines. Repeated screening is indicated in neurologic syndromes with onconeural antibodies and patients with high-risk for cancer neurologic syndromes unless they present neuronal antibodies which are not associated with cancer. Neuronal antibodies should be screened by immunohistochemistry and confirmed by immunoblot (intracellular antigens) or cell-based assay (CBA) (surface antigens). Positive results only by immunoblot or CBA should be taken with caution. Although the 2021 diagnostic criteria for PNS do not capture all PNS, as they do not allow to diagnose definite PNS neurologic syndromes without neuronal antibodies, the updated criteria represent a step forward to differentiate true PNS from neurologic syndromes that coincide in time with cancer diagnosis without having a pathogenic link.
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